Transformative Leadership

This Transformational Leadership Module takes an intersectional focus on how systemic barriers shape social location, identities to explore implications for leadership.  Throughout this module, we will juxtapose conventional conceptualizations of leadership against our own realities.

When you expose a problem, you pose a problem. It might then be assumed that the problem would go away if you would just stop talking about or if you went away”

Sara Ahmed, Living a Feminist Life
Three African women looking towards the camera smiling

Being a leader is challenging; you may find a distance has grown between you and former colleagues, you may find the experience isolating, you may also experience pressures to take actions that don’t align with your values.  But being a leader does not mean being alone in the work, you can work collectively with a critically minded team, listen and learn from other’s experiences, and work towards a shared vision.

Being a leader is courageous; you need to have the courage to learn from others, the courage to experiment and make mistakes, and the courage to believe in yourself. Our goal through this module is to support you in building your courage, to introduce a leadership framework for social justice, and to identify the strengths that you bring to the role of leader.


If you have questions about the course, please contact the Gender Institute Coordinator (